Welcome world wide 11 meter radio friends

The Lima Victor DX Club was founded in 1979 in the Netherlands we offer you a friendly, low profile and a uncomplicated home for the 11-meter DX radio enthusiasts

The latest members

We welcome the latest new members of the Lima Victor INT DX group
3LV005 Felipe 

"Special Event Encloser dike 90 years!
Special call: 19LV/ECD90 J0230A


FT8 Contest 2024 27.265 MC

FT8 Contest 2024 27.265 MC
It is with great pleasure for us to announce the FT8 Contest 2024 27.265 MC
Follow us also on 11MeterBandFT8Club | Facebook 


FT8 DX Contest 2024

DATE: Starts: Saturday, 27-Januari-2024 | 12:00 UTC

End of contest: ,sunday, 11 Februari-2024 | 23:59 UTC

11 meter band BAND

Group HQ Coordinators

Jack 19LV001 world President - PJ 19LV002 world Vice President Admin  - Tomek 161LV001 EU President Admin - Wim 19LV003 World Coordinator -  Mitchel 9LV9894 Coordinator Canada  

A Great QSO Needs a Great Call sign